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Paul Cordopatis (1947-2014)

Dr. Paul A. Cordopatis was a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, in the School of Pharmacy of the University of Patras, Greece. He was one of the most active members of the European Peptide Society (EPS) and pioneered the establishment of the Greek Peptide Society (aka Hellenic Peptide Community).


Paul Cordopatis (born April 1st 1947) graduated from the University of Patras in 1971. In 1974 he was appointed to the Faculty of Chemistry there as Research and Teaching Assistant; Senior Research and Teaching Assistant (1976). In 1977 he joined the group of Biological Chemistry at the University of Mons in Belgium (Prof. J. Dirkx, Dr. J. Brison) and then the group of Dr. S. Fermandjian at the Department of Biochemistry of CEN Saclay/France (1979) where he worked as Research Fellow. In the Faculty of Chemistry/University of Patras he occupied successively posts of Privat Docent (1981), Assistant Professor (1982) and Associate Professor (1986).

In 1988 Dr. Cordopatis was elected at the School of Pharmacy/University of Patras as Professor of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products. He founded the Unit of Synthetic Peptides. He acted as Head at the School of Pharmacy and Senator. He was unanimously elected as Professor Emeritus of the University of Patras on 14th October 2014.

Paul Cordopatis served the School of Pharmacy since its establishment and has taught all of its graduates and students. He served till his last days as Chairman of the School for nearly 14 years, during hard times, with few faculty members and scattered labs in the prefabricated bulidings of the University. He devoted much energy and effort to the establishment of a modern leading Department with high academic standards. His dream of a modern building hosting the School became a reality in 2014, thanks to a large extend to his long and persistent efforts.

He founded the Department of Pharmacognosy & Chemistry of Natural Products; officially in 1995 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic 38/22.02.95). Through personal efforts, he achieved funding via successful participation in national and international competitive programs and created the Unit of Synthetic Peptides with the essential infrastructure for the promotion of the basic and mainly applied research on bioactive peptides of pharmaceutical importance. Under his direction for many years, this Department became a craddle of multidisciplinary research and education which we nowadays serve and enjoy.

Paul Cordopatis was one of the most active members of the European Peptide Society (EPS). He was a member of the Executive Committee, Communication Officer and Editor of the EPS Newsletter from 2003 to 2014. He organised the Hellenic Forum of Bioactive Peptides in Patras since 1996 and every two years. Furthermore, he pioneered the establishment of the Greek Peptide Society (aka Hellenic Peptide Community).

Professor Cordopatis organised the biennial International Conference “Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides” which, since 1996, has been under the auspices of the European Peptide Society and the “Leonidas Zervas” Foundation.

He was passioned with oenology and he produced his own limited edition, special wine called “APOPEIRA“.